Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Centera Tools 4.2

Centera tools 4.2  is "anywhere" based executable, It can be packaged by giving ".exe -i silent" and another way is to create a response file(resoponse.properties) for the  Centera tools 4.2 and give a command line ".exe -f responsefile"

This msi can also be created by capturing using Adminstudio

Sunday, January 8, 2012

How to add license to a pacakage

There might be many ways of adding a license for a package, One of them which i use most frequently is
1. run the application on a clean machine
2. enter the license key.
3. then look for a .lic or .spl or etc type of file which gets created when we enter ther license key or serial id. The file can be traced by doing a install monitor by tools like INCTRL, Install watch pro 2.5(difficult to find online).
4. Include this file in the MST in the file structure shown by the monitor tool.
This is just one of the ways of including the license in the package.